The "New" Burkett Family Web Site

"By and For the Descendants of Henry Burkett & Mary 'Polly' Epley Burkett"

Births & Marriages

What month were you born or married?  Ever wonder how many others were born or married in the same month?  The following was developed from partial information available for our Burkett Family.  This information is based on only direct descendants born in the last 100 years for whom birth and/or marriage dates are known.  There are a great number of individuals for whom this information is not known.  Most members of our Burkett Family were born in September and most members were married in the popular month of June. 

This analysis shows that our Burkett Family members have averaged, over the last 100 years, between 4 and 5 births every month and between 2 and 3 marriages every month.  As the family continues to grow one can expect those numbers to increase.  Help us out by letting us know when these events occur in your families.   


  Birth Marriages
Month per Month per Year per Month per Year
January 480 4.8 170 1.7
February 453 4.5 196 2.0
March 481 4.8 230 2.3
April 431 4.3 200 2.0
May 409 4.1 260 2.6
June 449 4.5 355 3.6
July 477 4.8 291 2.9
August 519 5.2 311 3.1
September 545 5.5 276 2.8
October 458 4.6 243 2.4
November 432 4.3 218 2.2
December 481 4.8 230 2.3
Total/yr 5615 56.2 2980 29.9
Avg./mo 468 4.7 248 2.5

(Revised 6/29/14)

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