The "New" Burkett Family Web Site

"By and For the Descendants of Henry Burkett & Mary 'Polly' Epley Burkett"

Frequently Asked Questions

Some but not all of these questions have actually been asked.  That being said, the purpose of this section is to try to anticipate some of your questions and to attempt to provide answers for those questions.



There is a lot of information on the web site.  Where did it all come from?

The information on this web site comes from a myriad of locations and sources.   The names and dates for most of the early individuals were derived from census records, and family histories prepared by other family members.  Birth, death & marriage certificates or records and indexes have been used.   Obituaries are a good source of information though they are not always completely accurate., and Google have also been used extensively.  The greatest resources are descendants of this Burkett family who have contributed information.   



In many locations I see a name represented by (______).  What does this represent?



This is used where we know an individual exists but do not yet have a name.  For example, the (______) can be use as a given name, a surname or the entire name.  An obituary of John SMITH may state that he has a daughter named Mary JOHNSON and a son Jack with a wife named Betty.  In the first case, the name of (______) JOHNSON is used for Mary's husband.  In the second case, the name Betty (______) will be used for Jack's wife.  In the case where we find a notation that a daughter or granddaughter was married and has children, the (______) may represent the entire name of the individual, husband or children. 

3. Q. Is some places I see a name within brackets like John [Jones] SMITH.  What do the brackets represent?

The bracketed names are birth names.  They are used where a person has been adopted and their name changed with the adoption.  The above example would typically indicate that the person was born as John Jones but was adopted by a mister Smith.

4. Q. Is everyone listed as a direct descendant a blood line descendant?

No!  Some individuals listed as direct descendants are adopted by or a guardian of a direct descendant.  They are treated as direct descendants by their adoptive parents and for the purposes of this site are considered direct descendants though technically that is not correct.  See FAQ # 3

  Q. I see an error in a listing.  How do I get errors corrected?
5. A.

Simply let us know about the error and provide the correct information and the source of the correct information.  We'll check it out and will in most cases correct any erroneous data within 24 hrs.  Such notifications are welcomed.  We work hard in an attempt to make this site as accurate as possible.

6. Q. Why are there not more photos on the web site?

We are working on that, trying to add photos as we go.  If you have photos you would like to have added to the site, send them to us and we will get them posted, usually within a week to ten days.

7. Q. How do I get on/off your mailing list?

Simply let us know that you want on or off.   In most cases the listing or unlisting will take place within 24 to 48 hours.

8. Q. How often is the site updated?

The site is visited several times each week.  Manual updates are added as information become available.  On some occasions there may be several minor updates or corrections in a given day.   Major updates such a rebuilding given family group listings will occur only when the number of manual updates to that family listing warrants the update.

9. Q. How does a manual update different from other updates?

From time to time a computer program is used to create the new web pages for each of the Burkett family listings.   These updates are now indicated by saying that family listing has been rebuilt.  Manual updates are hands-on revisions to those rebuilt descendants listings.  Manual updates to these listings are indicated in red italic font.  Normally these revisions are dated so that a visitor to the site can see when these changes were made.

10. Q. How can I Help?

The best way to help is to contribute; to serve as a reporter at large.  Let us know about any newsworthy events involving members of the family of whom you know (parents, children, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, any family member).  Examples include engagements, marriages, births, deaths and etc.  We would also like to hear about graduations, promotions, honors, appointments, and trips concerning family members.  And please let us know about family reunions so we can help you advertise them.  It is all important and all helpful.

© 2013, 2014 by the Burkett Family Web Site    All rights reserved.
