The "New" Burkett Family Web Site
The names of direct descendants of Henry Burkett & Mary 'Polly' Epley Burkett are set in bold face type.
2016 ---------------------------------------------------//--------------------------------------------------- 6/14/16 Today I chatted with Marvin Oliver Webb, our Family Historian. He is now at home recovering from minor injuries suffered in an automobile accident late last week. He says he has felt better, no bones broken but has a lot of bruising. It would be well if we all could send him a get well card while he recovers from his injuries. ---------------------------------------------------//--------------------------------------------------- 6/05/16 Sharon Fleming shares the news of the passing of two members of her family; her husband Kay Miller Fleming and her son-in-law, J.C. Farmer. Jr. On May 11 2016, Kay Miller Fleming, the son of Kermit Fleming and Elizabeth Lee "Betty" Miller, passed away in Athens, Texas. He was born on January 25, 1939 in Commerce Texas.
More .... We pass along our condolences to the families of Kay and of J.C. ---------------------------------------------------//--------------------------------------------------- 4/26/16 We learn of the passing of Melvin Kent Etter on April 21, 1916 in Spokane Valley, Washington. Melvin was the son of Thelda Mae Burkett and Carl Edward Etter. We pass along our condolences to his three daughters and their families. More .... ---------------------------------------------------//--------------------------------------------------- 1/15/16 We learn of the passing of Doye Lorena Fannin on June 10, 2015 in Marble Falls, Texas. Doye, age 90, was the daughter of Lee Pyeatt Burkett and Ruby Pearl Lewis and wife of Robert Wilson Fannin. We pass along our condolences to her family. More .... ---------------------------------------------------//--------------------------------------------------- |
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