The "New" Burkett Family Web Site
By Oliver Webb - Family Historian
This all began in 1992 when I received a phone call from Audy Majors in Huntsville, Alabama. Audy is a first cousin of mine. He told me he had been talking with one of our Uncles, Gentry J. B. Burkett, who had suggested a family reunion. Audy asked if I would come (I live in Tampa, Florida) and I said I would. Audy continued with the arrangements and I went up.After I arrived, Audy and I went out to visit our Uncle J. B. who showed us some pages of information about our family. Uncle J. B. told us he had gotten the information from a Texas relative, Stella B Jackson Jaynes, who had visited him. In looking over what our Uncle had shown us, I found I was learning things about my ancestors and relatives I had absolutely no knowledge of - and I got interested.
Knowing I was planning to quit work later that same year, and having a personal computer at home, I suggested that I purchase some genealogical software and get this information entered into the computer and then start collecting information about the rest of our family. Little did I know where this would lead. We started with about 700 names which Stella B had accumulated during the days when there was no internet nor personal computers. Today (2003) we are approaching 5,000 relatives, spouses, in-laws, etc. and, after eleven (11) years of hard work, I can truthfully say it has been one of the more interesting and enjoyable periods of my life.
As you review our Web site, I hope you find some of your ancestors and that you are enjoying the search as much as I have. My full name is Marvin Oliver Webb but the family all know me as Oliver and/or Hickey, a nickname I acquired while still in diapers. However, the business world knew me as Marvin and/or Mo. I am 77 this year (2003) and that’s me over to the right. I am the son of Martha Burkett, a grandson of Almon Lee Burkett, a great grandson of Jobe Burkett, a 2nd great grandson of John Burkett, and a 3rd great grandson of Henry Burkett, Sr.
As for Stella B Jackson Jaynes, she was the daughter of Anna Burkett Jackson, a granddaughter of Joseph Lafayette Burkett, a great granddaughter of Jacob Lorenza Burkett, and a 2nd great granddaughter of Henry Burkett, Sr.
Although her birth certificate shows her name as Stella B., from the time I became acquainted with her, she preferred it both written and spoken as StellaB. She was named after an Aunt and I suppose the B. was to distinguish them apart. Somewhere along the way she had picked up the nickname “Nita.” StellaB was educated and worked as a librarian. With this background, it somehow became natural for her to become a family historian. She traveled extensively in her search for information visiting relatives in Tennessee, Alabama, Missouri, Texas and probably some other states. She searched public records in Court Houses and obtained information from relatives she visited. This was all done in the days prior to personal computers and the internet. It was this collection of information and photo’s I began with. Had it not been for her travels and hard work, some of the information might never have been located or else it would have made our current efforts more difficult.I began my search for her during a trip to Texas in 1994. During that trip, I visited Goldthwaite, Texas but was not experienced enough at that time to check nursing homes - and that’s where she was later located. I was able to talk with her on the phone a few times and we exchanged several letters. Unfortunately, she died from a fall at the nursing home before I was able to get back out to Texas and meet her in person. It should not be forgotten that it was her work which created the basis for what we have today (2003).
Stella B Jackson Jaynes Daughter of Anna Burkett Jackson and granddaughter of Joseph Lafayette Burkett |
Marvin Oliver Webb Family Historian, son of Martha Caroline Burkett & grandson of Almon Lee Burkett |
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Family Historian Marvin Oliver Webb 15439 Lakeshore Villas Drive #77 Tampa, Florida 33613-1326
Site Sponsor & Originator Joe Burkett III, DVM 198 Jockey House Lane Fredericksburg, Texas 78624
Site Manager Bill Huckaby PO Box 364 Carmichael, California 95609-0364
© 2013, 2014 by the Burkett Family Web Site
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