The "New" Burkett Family Web Site
From time to time we will get questions about some of our ancestors or about things they may have done or owned. This section will post such queries, when received, so the question can receive the widest distribution possible. Hopefully, together we can find answers to these queries.
Burkett Dairy, Williams Ranch Area, pre 1950?
My search for information on an old rock dairy barn
located on our property led me to your site. It is located in Mills County near Williams Ranch community at the corner of County Roads 510 and 517. I was told the dairy belonged to a Mr. Burkett. Around 1950, Mr. Burkett sold the dairy equipment and cows to Mr. Laughlin, son in law of Mr. Collier and they then began the Collier Dairy located on CR 506. I have been in touch with a son of Mr. Laughlin and hope to gather more information about when the dairy was built and how long it was in operation. We are in the process of restoring it. [Janice Dalrymple]
Does anybody know any thing about this dairy and
which Burkett Family might have owned it?
If you do, please email the
Web Site Manager.
Awesome! That dairy was where my grandfather Edgar Burkett made his living. My dad would tell about delivering milk before going to school. I don't have any dates but I do have a picture of me as a baby out there (I think!) This is so exciting! [Sharon Fleming]
Sharon and Janice are not in contact with each other discussing the history of this old Burkett property.
In an answer to the query about the dairy site in Mills County, I don't know the dates, but I was born in 1931 and I can remember riding with Juanell, daughter of Edgar, as she delivered milk. I was very young, possibly not yet in school. As Sharon said, Edgar Burkett was the owner. I am the daughter of George, brother of Edgar. We left Mills County in 1939 and to the best of my memory, the dairy was still active at that time and I do not recall when it shut down. [Bess Collins]
Thank you Bess!