The "New" Burkett Family Web Site
"Who We Are"
This is the first of what is hoped to be a series of pages where we will examine just who the Burkett Family is. History, characteristics, demographics and various characteristics will be examined.
September 12, 2013
First though, let's see what we know about our founding Burkett family member, Henry Burkett.
Most of us (but not all) agree that he was born in 1894 in Wythe County Virginia; died on 30 Mar 1875 in Cannon Co., Tennessee. He was married to Mary Magdalene "Polly" Epley on 23 Aug 1919 in Greene Co., Tennessee.
do we know about his parents? Who were they? Where did they come
from? In an effort to obtain the answers to these questions, a search of, using the name "Henry Burkett", birth date "1794" and death "1875,
Cannon Co., TN", yielded 130 different family trees. While many
of these trees did not list his parents, some did. Here are the results of
that search:
Henry's Parents
per Family Trees on
Father's Name | No. | Mother's Name | No. | |
John George Burkhard |
3 | Mary Kipley | 3 | |
John George Burkhart | 25 | Mary Kipley | 25 | |
George Burkhart | 11 | Mary Kipley | 10 | |
George Burkhard | 1 | Mary Kipley | 1 | |
Henry Burkett | 2 | Musser | 1 | |
Henry William Burgerburkhart | 2 | Elizabeth Musser | 2 | |
Henry Burkhart | 2 | Elizabeth Musser | 2 | |
Henry William Burkhart | 1 | Elizabeth Musser | 1 | |
Membrance William Burkhart | 2 | Mary Kipley | 2 | |
Henery Burkett | 1 | Elizabeth Rinker | 1 | |
The various spellings of the last name is understood, but how did Jonathan Reynolds appear on this list as Henry's father? Who are Elizabeth Musser and Rebecca Seaman? What do you think and why? Let us know.
If anybody has any evidence of Henry's parentage please let us know. Many people would like to clear up this question.
*Further research indicates that Jonathan Reynolds and Rebecca Seaman could not possibly have been the parents of our Henry Burkett. Both Jonathan and Rebecca were born more that one hundred years before and died well before Henry was born. These family trees should not be considered accurate relative to the parents of our Henry Burkett.
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