The "New" Burkett Family Web Site
Marvin Oliver Webb - Family Historian
to the "New" Burkett Family Web Site
- as first updated in mid July, 2013! If you are visiting, you may be a
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Welcome to the "New" Burkett Family Web Site
This "New" web site is the first major revision to the Henry Burkett Family Web Site. In 2003, Joe Burkett, III, developed and sponsored the original site and reserved the domain name "". That domain name is still valid and has now been renewed by Joe Burkett for another 20 years (until 2036). This site is for communicating with known descendants and those who might be searching for their ancestors and/or relatives.
This revision, launched in mid July, 2013, follows the original format provided by Joe Burkett. It now has added features and provides a somewhat different format for showing the descendant families of Henry Burkett and Mary Epley Burkett.
Included here are the families of the eleven (11) children of Henry and Mary ‘Polly’ Epley Burkett and enough details about each individual to help researchers decide whether or not there may be a connection. Email addresses are provided below for any queries, comments or suggestions.
As of October 2017, over 18,700 descendant individuals, including spouses, have been identified. Additionally, the parents of many, many spouses are now identified. More and more individuals are being discovered nearly every week. Personal Ancestral File (PAF) [no longer available] was used for recording data. Copies of portions of this data can be made available to on a cost basis for family members who wish a copy in a GEDCOM format. This format will be substantially compatible with nearly all other genealogical software.
One of our objectives is to locate and record as much information and photos as possible about our extended family and distribute it to enough relatives so that the time, effort, and money spent by many, many people will not be lost.
Henry Burkett & Mary ‘Polly’ Epley Burkett with their grandchildren.
Photo believed to have been taken before 1865.
For Links to the Burkett descendant
For Links to Family News, Burkett Family Births, Engagement & Wedding Announcements, Obituaries & Military Service and many other links:
For Latest Features, check out the following:
Burkett Family DNA
(New 9/04/16) - (Updated 8/14/17)
This Site Was
Last Updated On:
October 10th,
Family Historian Marvin Oliver Webb 15439 Lakeshore Villas Drive #77 Tampa, Florida 33613-1326 (813) 961-1679
Site Sponsor & Originator Joe Burkett III, DVM 198 Jockey House Lane Fredericksburg, Texas 78624 (830) 928-4440
Site Manager Bill Huckaby PO Box 364 Carmichael, California 95609-0364
This Internet Web Site is provided as a courtesy to the heirs of Polly and Henry Burkett, by the Joe Burkett III, DVM family, in loving memory of their beloved Father, Grandfather, and Great Grandfather, Joe Burkett, Jr. - Born November 15, 1912 - Died April 27, 2001, and their beloved Mother, Grandmother, and Great Grandmother, Pearl Schwethelm Burkett - Born June 16, 1916 - Died September 7, 2013.
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2017 by the Burkett Family Web Site
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