The "New" Burkett Family Web Site

"By and For the Descendants of Henry Burkett & Mary 'Polly' Epley Burkett"

Mary Caroline Elizabeth BURKETT & James HALL + William M. BROWN

Surname List

(______) , Abercrombie , Alexander , Allen , Amuny , Andrade , Arnce , Arnold , Arterbury , Ayers , Barfield-Burgess , Belzeski , Berge , Bettencourt , Biddle , Bilyeu , Bingham , Blankenship , Bodoff , Bosse , Bowman , Bradford , Bradshaw , Brecheen , Brock , Brooks , Brown , Brownsberger , Broyles , Bryan , Buckley , Burden , Burgess , Burkett , Butler , Butt , Bybee , Byrum , Campbell , Cardwell , Carrillo , Carter , Casey , Casper , Catt , Cessac , Chamberlin , Chapman , Chavez , Cheatham , Chong , Cintron , Cloverdell , Coffey , Collier , Conner , Cook , Corgiat , Creek , Crispin , Cummings , Darnell , Daugherty , Davidson , Davis , D'Avy , Detwiler , Dill , Donlon , Dosier , Dotson , Doyle , Druliner , Duchess , Duffy , Dutra , Dyer , Edwards , Elliott , Emery , Ervin , Estell , Estes , Evans , Faulk , Fickle , Fleming , Flynn , Fones , Forbess , Foster , Fowler , Francis , Frankenstein , Freeman , Friedman , Gable , Galiouras , Galvan , Garner , Garrett , Garrison , Geer , Gemaehlich , Gillis , Gillum , Gilmore , Glaspie , Glover , Goff , Goncalves , Gonzalves , Gourd , Grant , Graveline , Greening , Gregory , Griffin , Grubbs , Guidotti , Guinn , Hagele , Haley , Hall , Ham , Hand , Hardaway , Harris , Hatch , Hay , Hedge , Hedges , Henderson , Henry , Herd , Herron , Hibbert , Hiett , Hill , Hinojosa , Hixson , Hobbs , Hong , Huggins , Hulstine , Hunt , Hutchinson , Hutto , Jardine , Jarman , Jessop , Johnson , Jolly , Jones , Kaiser , Kim , Knutinen , Konvicka , Lalicata , Lansing , Legg , Lemos , Lemoyne , Lewis , Little , Lobo , Lowe , Lyles , Machado , MacIntire , Martin , Martz , Massongill , Mauritz , McClung , McCrocklin , McCullough , McFarland , McTavish , Meyer , Miles , Miller , Mitchell , Moore , Moreno , Morris , Morton , Murray , Nash , Nestman , Nisbet , Norton , Oberst , O'Donnell , Oesterreich , Oliver , O'Neal , Ortiz , Osse , Overall , Owen , Owens , Pack , Parker , Parrick , Patout , Patzkowsky , Paulsen , Pendergrass , Petray , Phillips , Pierce , Pitts , Porter , Price , Quinn , Ramirez , Read , Redick , Reed , Reynoso , Richardson , Riddell , Riggs , Roach , Robbins , Rodarmel , Rogers , Rollins , Rood , Ross , Rowe , Rudd , Sanguinetti , Scarpa , Sexton , Shaver , Shaw , Shelton , Smith , Sparkman , Specht , Stainbrook , Staszak , Stenkamp , Stephenson , Stewart , Stillwell , Story , Stultz , Sturgeon , Subia , Summers , Swacker , Taylor , Thompson , Thorp , Thurman , Tohl , Toney , Toops , Trevino , Trumbull , Tsuji , Tubbs , Tucker , Turner , Underwood , Valentine , Vernor , Ward , Ward-Bilyeu , Warfel , Warkentin , Weaver , Weeks , Weisser , Wells , Wendell , Wiewel , William , Williams , Wilson , Wise , Woods , Wooten , Wrenn , Yarbrough , Zamora , Zuidema

Any names in red italic font were added after this index was rebuilt on April 29, 2017

(This list last updated 3/22/18)

  to Table of Contents

Name Index
