The "New" Burkett Family Web Site

"By and For the Descendants of Henry Burkett & Mary 'Polly' Epley Burkett"

Obituary Archives – 1966


Arizona Albright Burkett

Lynn County News, August 26, 1966, page 1

Mrs. Burkett, 81 Buried Sunday

Mrs. John R. Burkett, 81, a resident of O'Donnell area for 44 years, died Friday at 9:07 p. m. in Lamesa Hospital.  She had been of patient at Tahoka and Lamesa most of the time since last fall when she suffered a stroke.

Funeral services were held Sunday in O'Donnell Church of Christ, of which she was a member, with Howard Swinney of O'Donnell and Garni Atkisson of Lubbock officiating.  Burial followed in O'Donnell Cemetery under direction  of White Funeral Home.

Mrs. Burkett, the former Miss Zona Albright, was born in Harrison, Ark. on Sept. 3, 1884.  She was married to Mr. Burkett at Harrison on Jan. 13, 1907.  The couple lived in northwestern Borden county 20 years, and has lived in O'Donnell the past eight years since Mr. Burkett retired from farming.

 She is survived by her husband; three daughters, Mrs. Frank McHaney of Odessa, Mrs. C. L. Taylor of Baileysboro, and Mrs. A. F. Allen of O'Donnell; five sons, John Elmo Burkett of Portales, N. M., Jake L. Burkett of Maple, Joe W. Burkett of Angleton, Dale L. Burkett of Odessa, and Jim M. Burkett of O'Donnell; one sister, Mrs. Adda Rowland of Sherman; 38 grandchildren and 33 great grandchildren. 

Grandsons were pallbearers. 

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