The "New" Burkett Family Web Site

"By and For the Descendants of Henry Burkett & Mary 'Polly' Epley Burkett"

Obituary Archives – 1973


Vollie O. Burkett

San Antonio Express-News, September 30, 1973, page 15-D

Capt. Vollie O. Burkett

Graveside services for Capt. Vollie O. Burkett, USAF Ret., 69 of 5035 Crusade Dr., will be Tuesday at 9:30 a.m.  in Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery.  He died Thursday.

Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Juanita M. Burkett, a son, three grandchildren, five great-grandchildren, a stepdaughter, a stepson, a brother and a sister, 

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