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"By and For the Descendants of Henry Burkett & Mary 'Polly' Epley Burkett"

Obituary Archives – 1974


George H. Huggins, Jane Louise Huggins, Bridgett Rene Huggins

The Daily Report, July 17, 1974, page 30

Auto struck by train; four persons killed

FRESNO (UPI) -- Four persons were killed and one critically injured Monday night when the car in which they were riding was hit by a freight train and dragged some 500 feet.

California Highway Patrol officers said the accident occurred at a Santa Fe Railroad crossing when the driver of the car, George H. Huggins, 31, of Fresno, apparently did not see or hear the train coming.

Huggins, his wife Jane Louise, 29, their daughter Bridgette Rene, 7, and Larry Dean Hood, 13, also of Fresno, were dead when firemen cut through the wreckage and got them out.

Another daughter, Jane Ann Huggins, 13, suffered massive head and internal injuries and was reported in critical condition at Valley Medical Center today. 

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