The "New" Burkett Family Web Site

"By and For the Descendants of Henry Burkett & Mary 'Polly' Epley Burkett"

Obituary Archives – 1954


George W. Burkett

Abilene Daily Reporter March 2, 1927, Page 8

George W. Burkett
Dies At Age of 81 at Daughter's Home

George W . Burkett. 81, died last night at Baird at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Vesta Herd.  The funeral was set for this afternoon at '4 o’clock with R .C. Bell, professor of English at Abilene Christian College, in charge.

Mr. Burkett leaves one son and two daughters, his wife having died four years ago.  He was a brother of J. H. Burkett, pioneer fruit raiser of Clyde.

Bom in Tennessee, he came to Texas at the age of I t. Most of his life was spent at Laltano.  He was a blacksmith there and was regarded as the strongest man on the frontier.  His feat of lifting a 900-pound rock and placing it In a wagon won him a reputation as a strong man.

Mr. Burkett spent his last years in Callahan County where he was a farmer. 

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