The "New" Burkett Family Web Site

"By and For the Descendants of Henry Burkett & Mary 'Polly' Epley Burkett"

Obituary Archives – 1917


Lucinda Derryberry Burkett

Osage County Chronicle (Microfilm Roll 213)
Burlingame, Kansas Page 4, column 3 & 4
March 29, 1917


Death of Mrs. George W. Burkett

Mrs. George W. Burkett died at her home southwest of town Tuesday afternoon.  Lucinda N. Derryberry was born July 5, 1840 at Woodbury, Cannon County, Tenn., and died March 27, 1917, age 76 years, 8 months and 22 days.  She was united in marriage Sept. 29, 1859 to George W. Burkett of Woodbury, Tenn., and to this union were born ten children, five boys and five girls, of whom six are living.  They are Mrs. J.W. Skinner of Sunnyside, Washington; Mrs. Peter Gabler, Mrs. E.A. Wells and Walter Burkett of Burlingame; James H. Burkett of Ziegler, Illinois, and Oral Burkett of Osage City.  Two sons and two daughters have gone on before.  The family settled in Kansas in March, 1870.  Besides these children the husband, 83 years old, and a number of grandchildren survive and mourn her.

Mrs. Burkett was converted in her early life and was baptised and united with the Baptist church, living a Christian life.  During the Civil War, she changed her membership to the M.E. Church, of which she was a member at her death.

The funeral was held at the home this afternoon at two o’clock.  A quartet rendered two songs, “Saved by Grace” and “Nearer My God to Thee” and Rev. Mr. Quilliam sang a solo, accompanied with guitar, entitled “In a Lonely Graveyard.”

“Mother dear, ‘tis hard to leave you,
All alone this world to trod,
But I know that Heaven’s blessings,
Will be with us and thy God.”

“I am going home to mother when
my pilgrim race is run,
I have promised I would meet her in the sky
When my Master’s work is finished,
at the setting of the sun
I am going home to mother by and by.”


Card of Thanks

We wish to thank the kind neighbors and friends for their help and sympathy during the sickness and death of our wife and mother, also for the beautiful floral offerings.

G. W. Burkett and Family 

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