The "New" Burkett Family Web Site
Obituary Archives – 1947
Selena Burkett Guthrie Lubbock Morning Avalanche, December 24, 1947, page 1
Mrs. Selena Guthrie, 66, of Slaton was fatally injured Tuesday when an automobile in which she was riding collided headon with a Trailways bus on a curve on snow-covered U. S. highway 85 about 30 miles south of Pueblo. The Associated Press reported Tuesday. The Colorado Highway patrol said Yates M. Kee, 39, Mrs. Guthrie's son-in-law was driver of the automobile. At Slaton, relatives were informed he suffered a fractured wrist and head injuries. He is employed by the Santa Fe railroad there. Teacher at Slaton His wife, Jun, 34, suffered head and body lacerations. Betty Fay Guthrie, 13, granddaughter of Mrs. Guthrie, was bruised about the mouth. Mrs. Kee is a teacher in the Slaton Schools. Mrs. Kee remained in Corwin hospital in Pueblo Tuesday night. Mrs. Guthrie died shortly after reaching the hospital. Attendants described Mrs. Kee's condition as "good." Relatives were en route in Pueblo Tuesday night. Williams Funeral home at Slaton said it had been informed funeral arrangements were still indefinate. ------- Selena Burkett Guthrie Lubbock Morning Avalanche, December 25, 1947, page 5
LOCKNEY, Dec. 24 (Special) -- Body of Mrs. Selena Guthrie, 66, of Lockney, who was fatally injured Tuesday in a collision south of Pueblo, Colo., will arrive in Plainview Thursday morning and will be brought to Lockney by Crager Funeral home. Mrs. Guthrie had been said to live in Slaton. She was riding in an automobile driven by a son-in-law, Yates M. Kee, 39, of Slaton, who with Mrs. Kee was injured in the collision. Funeral services have been set tentatively for Friday afternoon in Lockney Church of Christ, with the minister, J. W. Channel, officiating. Crager Funeral home will direct burial in Lockney cemetery. |
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