The "New" Burkett Family Web Site
Obituary Archives – 1954
Morgan E. Sullivan Abilene Reporter News, June 13, 1938, page 1 & page 9
Somewhere in the debris left by the Clyde tornado or carried far afield is a little scrap of paper -- a Spanish-American war discharge. It states that Morgan E. Sullivan served with honor in Troop H, 12th U. S. cavalry. Yesterday, because of that service, a casket bearing M. E. Sullivan tornado-torn body was taken to Llano -- draped in the flag of the United States. Military burial rites were conducted there today. For many hours yesterday, members of the grief-stricken Sullivan family searched the site of the demolished home for his discharge. They came near, finding other papers relating to his activities as a Spanish-American veteran--but not the yellowed discharge. When it could not be found, affidavits of his service were presented to Postmaster O. A. Hale, who issued the flag to be draped on the casket. There still remains the matter of the pension for Mrs. Sullivan, who is in Hendrick Memorial hospital with grave injuries. She has both abdominal and chest injuries, which despite the fact that she rested more easily last night and early today may yet claim her life too. Her husband died of similar injuries shortly after he was rushed to the hospital here Friday night. The pension for her can be secured without the discharge, but it will be a much easier process if the paper can be located. The Par's Munter Camp, No. 32, Spanish War Veterans, has issued an appeal for a search for the discharge, asking that any person finding it notify their adjutant, Luther Clarke here. The discharge will carry the name, Morgan E. Sullivan and this serial number: C-2330153. Sullivan would have been 66 years of age on June 30. He was a native Texan. On June 8, 1905, he was married to Miss Alice Gertrude Templeton of Lone Grove, near Lone Oak. Near Llano and at Blanco, the family lived until about four years ago, moving to Clyde. At Mrs. Sullivan's bedside today was a daughter. Rhita Jeanette Sullivan, teacher in the Hereford schools. Another daughter, Dainty Dell Sullivan, and an only son, Lewis L. (Jack) Sullivan, accompanied by his wife, also had come here early Saturday after receiving the tragic news of their father's death and their mother's critical injuries. M. E. Sullivan also has two brothers, M. B. Sullivan of Llano and L. N. Sullivan of San Antonio; three sisters, Mrs. Maud Byrd of Fredericksburg, Mrs. Nora Berryman of Ponca City, Okla., and Mrs. Lillian Myers of Lometa. Mrs. Georgia Carver of Novice, a sister of Mrs. Sullivan and Fred Templeton of Llano, a brother also were here with their sister. Mrs. Sullivan has regained consciousness, and has asked feebly once for her husband. She has not been told of his death, family and attendants fearing she cannot brave the shock. The Llano funeral was to be conducted from the Methodist church of which he was a member.
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