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"By and For the Descendants of Henry Burkett & Mary 'Polly' Epley Burkett"

Obituary Archives – 1932


James Logan Templeton

The Llano News, July 28, 1932, page 1

James Logan Templeton

Mr. James Logan Templeton, who died at his home in San Marcos on last Monday, January 18 and was buried in the Lone Grove Cemetery on last Tuesday afternoon was born in Grayson county, Texas, near Bonham, was born on January 22, 1881.

In 1878 he was united in marriage to Mrs. Mary Clark, and to this union five children were born, three of whom survive the father.  They are Mrs. M. E. Sullivan of San Marcos, Mrs. J. H. Borden of Asherton and F. A. Templeton of this place.  The mother died in February 1897.  In 1904 Mr. Templeton was united in marriage to Mrs. Ellen Starr and to this union one child was born, Mrs. Georgia Carver, the mother of whom died on August 12, 1911.

For a long number of years, Mr. Templeton was engaged in the mercantile business in Lone Grove  when that place of business was operated under the firm name of Templeton Brothers.  He was always active in any work that was for the betterment of his county, loyal to his church and honorable in all business transactions of every nature,  He was sought by those who knew him best for his advice, his every day life stamping him as a man who could be trusted, not only by friends, but strangers as well.

Since leaving the Lone Grove community he has been greatly missed.

The remains arrived in Llano on the noon train last Tuesday; were carried to Lone Grove where interment was made that afternoon in the presence of a large concourse of sorrowing relatives and friends who had gathered from all parts of this county as well as other sections of the State.

The funeral service was conducted by Rev. Alvia C. Johnson, assisted by Rev. F. V. McFairidge.

The new made grave was covered with flowers of love and esteem by the friends who gathered there.

Despite the fact that Mr. Templeton had been away from Llano for some time, the news of his death came as a great shock to everyone, because he numbered his friends here by the hundreds.  He was a man true to every trust in life, honored for his worth and loved for his Christian character.

He was on who lived not for self but for others and his work will stand for the years ahead as a monument to his duties well done.

The sorrowing children and other relatives have the deepest sympathy of everyone in their hour of sorrow, and may the thought that he is enjoying the rewards of a life well spent come to them as a benediction of comfort. 

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