The "New" Burkett Family Web Site

"By and For the Descendants of Henry Burkett & Mary 'Polly' Epley Burkett"


Surname List

(______) , Adams , Adkins , Akerlund , Bachetti , Bacorn , Bahm , Baker , Brown , Bullard , Bunney , Burkett , Burns , Busch , Buthod , Callahan , Camp , Carlin , Carmichael , Carson , Carter , Chaffin , Chevallier , Christopher , Civilette , Clark , Clayton , Clem , Clements , Cole , Condron , Connors , Cook , Cooper , Cornwall , Cowan , Cox , Cranford , Crawford , Crossett , Crowder , Crump , Dalton , Damron , DeHaven , Dillard , Dring , Eason , Edwards , Etter , Ettinger , Faulkner , Flading , Flagg , France , Franks , Friedman , Fritts , Gaar , Gale , Gass , George , Gillean , Gilley , Glenn , Gomez , Gore , Goss , Hagood , Hall , Hammond , Haney , Hannah , Hawver , Haynie , Hays , Heffel , Henderson , Henley , Hetzel , Hickey , Hiller , Hinkson , Hobgood , Holiman , Hooper , Howell , Jache , Jackson , James-Eaton , Johnson , Johnstone , Jones , Joyner , Katz , Keathley , Kees , Keithly , Kester , King , Kushi , Lancaster , Landry , Leary , Ledrick , Lewis , Linn , Littleton , Love , Lucido , Marriott , Martin , Martindale , Martinez , Mason , Maxwell , McCawley , McDonald , McNair , Mertens , Meyers , Moon , Moreau , Morgan , Morrison , Murchison , Murray , Neely , Newbound , Newby , Newman , Nichols , Omara , O'Neal , Patton , Paulk , Peña-Vega , Peterson , Petsel , Polos , Price , Pruitt , Ramirez , Rathbun , Ray , Ree , Reid , Replogle , Robb , Roberts , Rooney , Rumsey , Russell , Schaefer , Scherrer , Schmidt , Schuetz , Seife , Selman , Sheely , Shelton , Shock , Shore , Simpson , Smith , Solorio , Spadini , Spencer , Spradling , Stensby , Sterling , Stone , Stotler , Strayer , Strickland , Summerlin , Sumonka , Sutton , Tadlock , Tatum , Taylor , Thorwaldsen , Tipton , Trent , Trickey , Triebsch , Ubrun , VanCleave , Viles , Wade , Waggoner , Walton , Wanslow , Ward , Warner , Waterfield , Watson , Webb , Weber , Whitaker , Wholey , Williams , Wilmoth , Wilson , Winchell , Winebrenner , Wolfs , Yeager , York , Young , Zellner , Zimmerman

Any names in red italic font were added after this index was rebuilt on 27 Apr 2017. 

(This list last updated 1/22/18)

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Name Index
